This is a story that is true...and when I tell it people are not sure what to think.
A few years back Dave and I were up North on a business trip. The work was done and we decided to go to the Fea market near by. We parked the truck and walked about
100 feet when Dave decided to go back to the truck to make sure he had lock it.
I waited right there for him. The were shopper coming and going. I noticed this one woman smiling and she bent over to pick up...A silver dollar. She saw me..and we both smiled at each other seeing her new riches. Silver dollars are not something you see everyday..let alone find one. I was happy for her and yet wondered why I had not spotted it. Yeck, I see pennies on the street as I drive by. I see them in the dark of the night. I find at least 1 -3 a week. I had walked this same path she had..and yet missed it. The next day back home and walking our dog, Ricky..who by the way is a great dog. I was thinking back to the silver dollars. And though I was glad to have been able to enjoy the event of someone finding money...I could I have missed it.
I few hours later I drove to pick up my daughter Samantha at school. I exited the freeway and stopped at the street light. I looked to the left for traffic...and THERE IS WAS.....A silver dollar. I could not believe it. I thought I can't get out and get it..I am at a traffic light. I then look one was one behind one be side me. Yea, why not...I jumped out of my car and picked up my silver dollar. To me this is pretty many times does anyone see a lost silver dollar twice in less then 24 hours? Makes a person think...